New "kid" on the block

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    Hello, I’m Graham; another escapee from XP and the MS world. After years of MS I took the plunge and double-booted with Mint15 and found it did all I needed so I’m staying and am now running Mint17 solo. It’s a bit scary in parts, learning how to do the sysadmin stuff so I may (almost certainly shall!) need some hand-holding and I hope you’ll all be kind and patient with me.
    I’m looking forward to getting to grips with linux and getting to know people who know linux.


    Hi Graham,

    welcome to the LLUG! It’s still only small but I hang around here a bit 😉

    Also welcome to the world of Linux, and only Linux 😉 I’m the same and ditched Windows a long time ago – it’s just not fit for purpose 🙂

    enjoy using Mint 17 – it’s a great system and if you do have any problems just give us a shout!




    Hi all. Am struggling to know how to use this website, but am only just beginning to investigate Linux as an alternative to the ‘other’ O.S. I have a Dell Studio 15 which I want to set up with Linux. It seems that RedHat or Ubuntu Studio might be good choices.
    My main usage will be creative writing/publishing, keeping my itunes music and also writing music.
    Can somebody point me to a good service engineer in Lincolnshire, preferably in East Lindsey, Louth area.
    Any ideas


    Hi BigBri5050,

    welcome to the Lincs LUG website.

    “Other” OSs are the way forward in my opinion, especially with the security concern that is Windows 10 (and now 7 & 8 as well).

    It’s great that you’re thinking of investigating Linux as an alternative.

    For your needs I’d take a look at Linux Mint, or Peppermint OS6. Both are great for beginners and not too much of a wrench from the Win XP experience.

    Linux Mint Website
    Peppermint Website

    Both will suit your needs, but I have to say that Linux and iTunes, as far as I know, don’t play well together. The app from Apple Inc. won’t run as there is no Linux version. There may be an alternative app that will talk to your Apple devices though, I’m not an expert and don’t own one so I can’t say for sure.

    Are you looking to install Linux yourself or for someone to give you a hand?




    Thanks for the welcome D.J.

    I’m looking for a repair shop that can change my CD drive, upgrade my Hard Drive to solid state and to install Linux for me.

    Am looking into Mint and Peppermint.



    Should have said that I’d prefer a shop in EAst Lindsey area.


    You could always try a self upgrade 😉

    I’m Sleaford way though I’m afraid, don’t know anyone in East Lindsey – anyone? anyone?…


    I’ve done a fair bit of distro hopping. I wouldn’t advise using Ubuntu Studio but use xubuntu or ubuntu mate as a ‘base’ and add the apps you want. Studio I found a bit odd to say the least.

    Of all the distros I have tried I have found the ubuntu install by far the simplest and most straight forward. I have tried others and always come back to the *buntu family.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by jessejazza.
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